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Knoxville Insurance Companies


Affordable Health Insurance Agency
We've been in the Health Insurance business since 1982. We assess your situation and tailor fit a plan for you. We also offer Dental and Vision through Assurant Employee Benefits. Life Insurance sometimes is more important then Health Insurance.

Shafer Insurance Co
Shafer Insurance is an independent insurance agency in Knoxville, TN specializing in commercial insurance, personal insurance, surety bonds and employee

AccessTN - AccessTN provides comprehensive health insurance for Tennesseans who are uninsurable due to pre-existing medical conditions. Three different plans are available with varying deductibles and participants can select the plan that is best for their situation.
Cover Kids - CoverKids provides free, comprehensive health coverage for qualifying children 18 and younger. The coverage includes an emphasis on preventive health services and coverage for physician services, hospitals, vaccinations, well-child visits, healthy babies program, developmental screenings, mental health, vision and dental care.
Cover Tennessee - CoverTN is a partnership between the state, employers and individuals that makes health care coverage affordable for the state's working uninsured.
CoverRX - CoverRx is a pharmacy assistance program designed to assist those who have no pharmacy coverage, but have a need for medication. CoverRx provides participants affordable access to more than 250 generic medications in addition to some name brands of insulin and of mental health medications.


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